If you are stuck in student loan debt then you can consider a student debt consolidation loan to help you to put all your federal student loans into one more manageable loan. This also means that you only have one monthly payment which will help you with your finance situation and when managing money. This consolidation option can many times be much lower than the standard 10-year repayment system. There are two main programs that you can use to try to consolidate debt. The Federal Family Education Loan FFEL will provide loans from banks, secondary markets, and other lenders. The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan will provide loans directly from the federal government. If you are a student with debt than one of these personal loan options is something worth checking out.
There are many types of education loans that you can consolidate in a student loan such as Direct and FFEL loans, SLS, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, and Health Education Assistance Loans. Unfortunately, private education loans cannot be consolidated with the rest of your loans.
If you want to make sure that your loans are eligible for student debt consolidation then you want to contact the Direct Loan Organization Center’s Consolidation Department. You may also want to contact a FFEL lender that is the type of loan that you are looking to consolidate.
You should know that even if you are no longer in school or if you have lowered your enrollment level to below half time student than you can still get a debt consolidation loan. If you want to consolidate your loans and they are all FFEL loans then you should get the consolidation loan from that same holder. You should make sure the repayment terms are good for you before you sign anything. IF you want a William D. Ford consolidation loan you should have a Stafford loan or you can have a FFEL loan to be eligible for this kind of consolidation.
If you have unsecured debt than you can get help from debt relief specialists. There are many settlement specialists and helpful representatives to help you with all your questions regarding debt consolidation. You can get the help you need, but make sure that it works in your favor and not in the favor of the creditors. Find a good company to help you with the debt negotiation process and make sure you use only trusted professionals. There are many different unsecured debt consolidation programs so make sure you find the best one for you and your family.
Focusing on latest news in managing money, he is writing mainly for http://www.debtania.com. You can find his contributions on personal loan to consolidate debt at http://www.debtania.com and different sources for personal loan to consolidate debt news.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_K._Carlton
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